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Plastic card printing

This is a perfect spot that accomodates all your plastic card printing requirements under one roof. The one-site plastic card printing that we offer our customers, assures that they receive a stock of quality plastic cards that have been created to look pretty exceptional through our plastic card printing process.

100 pcs 250 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 5000 pcs 10000 pcs
$119 $159 $209 $289 $519 $699 $809 $1399

Plastic Card

The Demand of plastic cards is always on the rise due to the versatility and amount of benefits associated with their use. A Plastic card is used for advertisement and promoting business services, organizations or representing individuals. The Key Concepts behind their use is the promotion of a ceratin business message. Plastic Cards at Alltimeprint reflect the message in ways that are sure to grab customer attention. We have a variety of methods through plastic cards printing by which customers can create professional cards that are unique to their business.


A plastic business card is the ultimate impression maker that can instantly enhance your business image. The plastic business card will serve as the vital tool that will reflect your professionalism in a striking way. Well designed plastic business card can help turn the tables for a company that is in need of a boost. Plastic business cards promote repeat business and just may be the vary thing that your business can make good use of. We provide affordable plastic business card production about compromising on an inch of quality!


This is the perfect spot that accomodates all your plasctic card printing requirements under one roof. The on-site plastic card printing that we offer our customers, assures that they receive a stock of quality plastic cards that have been created to look pretty exceptional through our high plastic card printing process.

  • Custom Made
  • Choose many different type of cards
  • Long Lasting
  • Variable and Multipurpose
  • Boost Organization Image
  • Increase Sales of Business
  • Use Germany Heidelberg
  • commercial printing machine
  • Offset Print Method
  • Made from 100% pvc plastic material
  • Not Paper Composite
  • Production procedure and
  • print material same as credit card
  • Standard Card 3.375 x 2.125”
  • 85mm x 54mm
  • 30ml and 12ml Thickness
  • Default Glossy Finish
  • Round Corner
  • Durable
  • Water Resist
  • Full Color Both Sides
  • Production Time:Estimated 12-14 working days note that all cards are custom made, each card have difference add on and options, production time may vary.
  • Accepted File Format -
  • PSD. PDF. AI. EPS. JPEG. TIFF. JPEG and TIFF fill need to be 600 dpi PSD. PDF. AI. EPS. Need to be 300dpi All fonts need to be outlined before submitting artwork
  • There will be 1/8” Bleed on all artwork